Business Model: Lion City Discovery Tours

Company Details: Lion City Discovery Tours, Tours in Singapore

Value Proposition: At Lion City Discovery Tours, we offer unique and immersive cuisine courses in Singapore. Our expert guides will take you on a journey through the vibrant flavors of Singapore's diverse culinary scene, allowing you to satisfy your taste buds and discover the rich cultural heritage behind each dish. Join us for a delicious and unforgettable experience.

Customer Segments:
  • Tourists visiting Singapore
  • Food enthusiasts
  • People interested in learning about different cultures through food
Key Activities:
  • Curating and designing food tours
  • Partnering with local restaurants and chefs
  • Organizing and conducting tours
  • Collecting and analyzing feedback from customers
Key Resources:
  • Expert tour guides with extensive knowledge of Singapore's culinary scene
  • Partnerships with local restaurants and chefs
  • Online platform for booking and managing tours
  • Customer feedback and reviews
Revenue Streams:
  • Tour fees
  • Partnership and sponsorship deals with restaurants and chefs
  • Sales of merchandise and souvenirs
Cost Structure:
  • Employee salaries and benefits
  • Rent and utilities for office space
  • Marketing and advertising expenses
  • Cost of partnering with restaurants and chefs
Customer Relationships: At Lion City Discovery Tours, we strive to build strong relationships with our customers by providing them with a personalized and unforgettable experience. We listen to their feedback and continuously improve our tours to meet their expectations. Channels:
  • Website and online booking platform
  • Social media platforms
  • Partnerships with travel agencies and hotels
  • Word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied customers